Halloween in Munich

Copyright Horror-shop.com
This article has been provided by the Halloween costumes store Horror Shop, that has not only an online store, but also a brick and mortar shop in the center of Munich. If anyone knows about the best Halloween parties in Munich it's them. Read their tips about where to go and what to wear!
Halloween in Germany
Halloween as we now know and love it, complete with Jack O'Lanterns, spooky costumes and decorations, has only been celebrated in Germany since around the mid-1990s.
This has been mainly as a result of an increasing acceptance and marketing of the largely American holiday, as well as the cancellation of the 1991 Fasching season in response to the outbreak of the First Gulf War and the need for celebratory alternatives.
However, now Halloween is celebrated across the whole of Germany and Munich is no different.
Trick or Treat
The traditional custom of "Trick or Treating", or "Süßes oder Saures", is of course involved in the celebration of Halloween in Germany with many children partaking.
Going to door-to-door collecting treats along the way is more popular in the German cities like Munich, rather than across the country however. This is due in part to similar activities performed in celebration of Martinstag in November, which involves children visiting neighbours and receiving sweets in return for a song.
Themed Parties for Adults

Copyright Horror-shop.com
While young Münchners enjoy the Halloween season all the same, it is perhaps the young adults of the city that have best embraced the custom and this can be best demonstrated in the vast number of themed parties that are enjoyed across Munich.
One of the biggest Halloween parties in Munich is celebrated at KultFabrik near Munich East station, or München Ostbahnhof as it is known, on the night of Halloween.
KultFabrik's popular venue is decked out in a whole host of horrifying ways, with wandering zombies and wall-to-wall spooky decorations covering the nightclub; and to greet you on your way in is the traditional German demon, Mephisto.
Also there to help make your Halloween night as memorable as possible are dedicated make-up artists that can transform you in to a devil, witch or ghoul if you"ve arrived unprepared for the evening.
Spooky Walking Tour
However, if nightclubs are not your thing and you"re in Munich at the time of Halloween and want to join in the festivities, then there is a wonderful, spooky walking tour of the city organised by Weisser Stadtvogel München on All Hallows' Eve.
Setting off from Sendlinger Gate, where it is said the last witch in Munich was burned, the tour takes in the historical horror of Munich and is complete with ghost stories, as well as a few hidden actors.
Party starts Days before the 31st
With the celebration of All Saints the following day and the Bavarian public act meaning that all Halloween celebrations have to come to an end at 2 a.m., a lot of the Halloween revelries take place in the days leading up to October 31st and it is worth keeping an eye out for themed events in the week preceding Halloween night.
But of course, if you want to celebrate Halloween in true style, then you"ll need to be dressed for the occasion. Horror-Shop.com are based in Munich and provide a vast range of Halloween costumes, masks, wigs and accessories that will have you looking the part in no time at all. If you're in Munich for Halloween this year, we hope this comes in handy and that you have a spectacularly spooky time!