Monastery Andechs Image Gallery

Church at Monastery Andechs

Monastery Andechs

The church with the white and pink tower at Monastery Andechs near Munich. From the tower you can overlook the wonderful landscape.

Library at Monastery Andechs

Library Building

In former days here were the offices and service rooms; nowadays this building is used as library at Andechs.

Baroque Church at Monastery Andechs

Baroque Church

The baroque church at Andechs holds a holy chapel with relics. Enjoy the opulent decorations in gold and white.

Baroque Church at Monastery Andechs

Baroque Church

The baroque ceiling is painted with scenes from the holy bible. With the small transparent windows enough light shines into the church to appreciate fully the wonderful decorations.

Idyllic landscape at Monastery Andechs

Idyllic Landscape

On the hike up to Monastery Andechs, you'll have this view at the idyllic landscape and the monastery itself.

Hike through the forest at Monastery Andechs

Hike through the forest

It takes about 1,5 hours to walk up from the train station to Monastery Andechs. The hike through the forest is fun and relaxing. Forget about all the day to day hassles and enjoy the silence.

Old-fashioned dam on in the forest

Old-fashioned Dam

The monks used this construction centuries ago to control their water supplies.

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