City Museum - Stadtmuseum
The City Museum (Stadtmuseum) is one of the four Munich museums that are owned and operated by the city herself, the other three being the Jewish Museum, Villa Stuck and Lenbachhaus/Kunstbau.

It's huge and you should bring a lot of time if you want to see all of the four permanent and temporary exhibitions.
We usually visit only one or two floors, which takes between one and two hours. That's enough for us.
Music Instruments

Which obviously is the part, our son liked most :-) Officially, the kids should be four and older to be able to do the experiments but as you can see, also younger kids have fun.
National Socialism in Munich
In 1919 the NSDAP party was founded in Munich and from here Adolf Hitler started his political career.
This exhibition concentrates entirely on the national socialism in Munich and the questions "What was different here than in other German cities?".
A very interesting part of the city museum, but not suitable for smaller children, because there's nothing for them to see or do.
Puppet Theater
Here you find all kinds of puppets and marionettes. Unfortunately my son got too impatient and wanted to leave, so I didn't get the chance to take pictures. Hopefully the next time.
The puppets presented here come from all over the world and take you on a journey into the world of phantasy.
Typically Munich
The "Typisch München!" exhibition might be the most interesting part for you as visitor, because it explains the history of our city from the very beginnings more than 800 years ago, the "new Munich" in the 19th and 20th century, up to the cosmopolitan city it is today.

Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 18.00 UhrMonday closed
Closing Days: 24..12., 31.12. and Faschingtuesday.
St.-Jakobs-Platz 1Near Viktualienmarkt, right besides the Jewish Museum
Entrance Fee
Adults 4 Euro (6 Euro incl. temporary exhibitions)Under 18 Entry free
Students 2 Euro (3 Euro)
Audio guides in German, English, French, Spanisch and Italian are free of charge.
For more information visit: Stadtmuseum / city museum München (unfortunately only in German)