Munich Olympiapark

The Olympic Park in Munich is not only a park with beautifully shaped landscapes including an artificial hill with panoramic view and a lake. During its existence of more than 30 years it has also become one of most important sites for sports and leisure time events in the city. Munich Olympic Park

Inaugurated for the Olympic Games in 1972, the Olympic Park in Munich still is popular with tourists as well as locals.

The impressing architecture of the Olympic Stadium and the Olympic Halls was futuristic 30 years ago and still keeps up with the times nowadays.

The Olympic Stadium with a maximum capacity of 75 000 persons used to be the biggest stadium in Munich and was the home of the famous Bayern München Soccer Team.

Olympic Swimming Hall with lake In 2006 just in time for the Football World Cup in Germany, a new and even bigger stadium, the Allianz arena, was built. Since then the Olympic Stadium doesn't host football matches anymore, but various other sports events like the Tour de Ski or most of the open air rock and pop concerts in Munich.

The two Olympic Halls are hosting such various events like shareholder's meetings of big German companies, trade fairs, and indoors concerts.

Families having fun with sledges at the Munich Olympic Park During out last visit to the Olympiapark in January, we enjoyed to watch families with kids sledging and building snowmen.

Afterwards we went up the Television Tower to enjoy the stunning panoramic view over Munich. Even with a somewhat foggy weather, the sight is spectacular.

On clear days, especially when we have Föhn (a warm wind coming from Italy) you're able to see the Alps as big and impressive as if they were just around the corner.

Visiting the Munich Olympiaturm Upstairs on the glass-covered platform is a small rock museum, whose entrance fee is included in the ticket for the elevator. If you're tempted to visit the revolving restaurant upstairs, don't do it. It's over priced, offers boring food and the staff clearly doesn't want to please the customer. There are definitely better places to eat.

At the foot of the tower is a self-service restaurant, which offers a much better prices and you can sit outside to enjoy the sunshine.

The easiest way to get to the Olympiapark is to take the underground U3 and exit at the station "Olympiapark". From the stations it's just a few minutes lovely walk to all the major attractions.

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