Baggage deposit at Oktoberfest

Me and three friends are going to visit Oktoberfest this year. We have reservations for Thursday and Friday nights at the Stoke camping grounds.

We didn't book accomodation for our last night there (Saturday), because our plane back home leaves very early on Sunday and we (optimistically) plan to stay up all night.

We need to store our luggage somewhere for that day.

I saw in your map that there is a "Baggage Deposit" area near the Fischer-Vroni tent, but I couldn't find any reference to price, opening hours and such.

I know there are literally thousands of luggage lockers in the train station, which is also an option, but I'd like to know your recommendation on this.

Thank you very much in advance.

Daniel Yllanes

Reply by Marion

Hi Daniel,

I had to go to Oktoberfest and check for myself :-)

The baggage deposit is located directly at the entrance to the Underground U4/U5 called "Theresienwiese".

When you exit the underground station turn to your right and there it is.

The price is 2,70 Euro per piece per day and the opening hours are 11a.m. to 11p.m. on Weekdays and 11a.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday night.

And this is probably a problem for you. If you plan to stay up partying the whole night, the closing time for the luggage deposit is much too early for you.

The baggage lockers at Hauptbahnhof are a lot more convenient, because they're open 24hours a day. Prices are similar, they could even work out cheaper if you take one of the very big lockers and share with your friends.

Just make sure, you don't loose the key!!!

Just in case write down the number of the luggage locker somewhere. If you happen to lose the key, you can still go to the locker administration and ask them to open the locker.

You will of course need to know the locker number, your passport and a good description of what is inside (it would be good to have a paper with your name inside the locker, this will be proof that the suitcases are really yours).

But you won't lose the key, right :-)

And here some possibilities where to party all night.

Have fun!

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