Game Park Poing

The game park in Poing is just a short ride via S-bahn or car from Munich.

A visit to the wildlife park is a real nature experience. Unlike the zoo, you and your kids can watch mainly native animals. This might be a great addition to your trip to Munich. Show your children the German fauna. In Poing, it is ensured that the animals live as "natural" as possible. and you can get a really close look at them.

The area is huge, so prepare for a long road. The loop road in Poing is 4 km (2.5 miles) long (but you can take a shortcut). It is therefore recommended for young children to bring a stroller.

Deer and Mouflon: Feeding allowed

Roe Deer in game park Poing
We visited the game park in Poing near Munich in January on a day with drizzle. Due to bad weather few other people were in the wildlife reserve. But equipped with waterproof pants and winter boots, our son was well equipped and we had a lot of fun.

The first highlight was the native red, fallow and roe deer, as well as mouflons and wild boars. The deer and mouflon live almost like in the wild and run free on the site.

Right at the entrance you get a bag of provender and the animals of course know exactly how and where they can best get their portion of the food. Sometimes there are also very naughty deer, that don't hesitate to knocking down a small child to get to the fooder. Therefore, you should hold the bag of provender yourself and not give it to your child.

At first, our two year old son had great respect for the animals, which are way bigger than he is with almost one meter (3.3 feet). But when he saw mom and dad feeding the animals, he wanted to do the same and after a bit of hesitation, he had a lot of fun.

Brown Bear or Teddy Bear?

Brown Bear in Wildlife Park Poing
Another highlight was the brown bear. This animal used to be native in Germany, but has long since been extinguished.

A few years ago there was the famous Bear Bruno who had migrated across the Alps from Austria into Bavaria, but unfortunately had to be shot, because he became too used to humans and started strolling the streets in plain day (not in Munich, but in those little villages in the Alps).

Our son wanted to pet and feed the bear immediately, as he did with the deer and it took some time for him to understand that a brown bear is not a Teddy and cannot be petted ....

But it looks very cute, right?

A well-deserved break at the picnic area

The picnic area invites you to rest and relax (when it's not raining). There is also an adventure playground, so the kids can play safely.

The beautiful peacock was in search of bread crumbs but with the bad weather, he was out of luck.

The Wetland

All animals can be observed at close range, as this child finds just. The wildlife is of course no longer wild, but has become accustomed to the presence of people

This muskrat, however, seems to be very curious to see what the child is looking for.

A muskrat

Personnaly I like a to the game reserve even more beautiful than the Munich Zoo because the animals here live almost like the wild and are not crammed into cages.

Unfortunately wie couldn't admire the the birds of prey, because the show starts in spring again. Nevertheless, the experience was worth the trip to Poing Game Park and it's a great activity to do with your kids while in Munich.

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