Car Sharing - One of the Cheapest Ways to Travel to Munich

Car sharing or car pooling is quite popular in Germany, especially among students.

Even though you probably won't catch a ride in a Ferrari, you can have lots of fun!

When I was at university and money was scarce, I often used car pooling rides for weekend trips to my hometown. A one way trip was 600km (375 miles) and would cost me around 25 Euro. Prices depend on several factors, the biggest one being the number of passengers (Mitfahrer).

Car Sharing is Safe

Don't be concerned about safety, catching a paid ride is a lot less adventurous or dangerous than you might think, even for women traveling alone.

Apart from the billboards at the colleges and universities, there are several professional companies online, where drivers advertise passenger seats for a fixed price.

As I have personally used the car pooling services from both sides, as driver and as passenger I can tell you, that usually you will meet very nice people and you can even make friends. (One of our friends met his girlfriend on a car sharing ride).

But if security is a concern to you, I recommend not to call the billboard offers, but pay a bit more and use one of the service companies. They check the ID card and driver's licencse of the driver and also write down his or her address, departure, destination and day of the trip.

Some of these websites even have an Ebay-like feedback system where you can rate your driver.

How to find a Car Pool Ride?

It's really easy to get a so-called "Mitfahrgelegenheit".

Register at (has only a German website), or (also in English) and search their database for an offer from someone, going from your departure city to where you want to, send them an email or call and arrange the details of your ride.

What about the Autobahn?

Remember, that there's no general speed limit on a German Autobahn! Driving 200 km/h (125mph) and more is considered normal here and no reason to panic. But most drivers will be sensible and start out slower until you get used to the unfamiliar speed if you ask them to.

Don't be afraid of the language, many Germans (especially students) speak at least some basic English and you'll be able to communicate with them sufficiently to clarify the details of your car pool ride.

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