Munich Residents Love Their Nearby Swimming Lakes
Spending the day at a swimming lake is definitely an option !
If you're here during one of those insupportable hot summer days, when it feels as if the whole city is boiling, there aren't that many things to do in Munich.
When sightseeing
becomes insufferable and you're already tired of visiting museums
with air condition, the best ways to spend the day is to change your plans and do what most Munich residents do:
Visit one of the many outdoor swimming pools, or even better a nearby swimming lake.
Munich has several swimming reservoirs, you can easily reach via public transport or bike. If you don't have your own bike, I recommend Munich Bike Rental. It's best not to use your own or a rental car, because the parking lots are always overcrowded!
Maybe one of the favorite ponds around here is the Fasanerie See, located in the northwest of Munich.
On the picture above (which I took in April) you can't see many persons, but on hot summer days the grass banks will be crowded with sun bathers, playing kids, and groups of teenagers.
The water usually features enjoyable temperatures of 18-20°C. If you're one of the persons who thinks this is still freezing cold, you're better of to visit one of the heated outdoor swimming pools.
Even easier to reach is the Lerchenauer See, surrounded by residential areas.
Although it's safe swim in the Lerchenauer lake, many friends told me, they got red skin irritations after visiting this swimming lake several times.
I'm not sure, if this is still true today, but if you have sensitive skin, better visit one of the other ponds.
By the way, the water quality of all Munich lakes is controlled several times a month by the health authorities. If water quality isn't sufficient, warning signs will be posted and bathing or swimming forbidden.
Off course, you can still lie on the grass banks and have a sun bath or play a round of table tennis. Just without the refreshment to submerge into the cool water.
The third of Munich's northwestern swimming reservoirs is the Feldmochinger See.
Unfortunately I never managed to go there.
As it's the farthest away from our home, we usually "get stuck" at either the Lerchenauer See or the Fasanerie See. :-)
Many people also bring food, drinks, and a barbecue grill. You can smell the burning charcoal and the meat.
Most swimming lakes offer picnic areas with fire places, where you can barbecue, even if you don't bring your own grill.